Elevate Your Coffee Experience: A Guide to the Best Percolator Coffee Brands

Percolator | roberto muratore

For many coffee enthusiasts, the perfect cup of coffee is an essential part of their daily routine. From the rich aroma of freshly ground beans to the warm sensation of that first sip, there’s something truly magical about the coffee experience. One method of brewing that has stood the test of time is percolator coffee. Invented in the early 19th century, percolator coffee makers have been a staple in households and workplaces around the world, offering a strong, robust flavor that other brewing methods simply can’t replicate.

The percolator coffee process involves continuously circulating boiling water through coffee grounds, extracting the flavorful oils and compounds to create a rich, full-bodied brew. This method of brewing has earned a loyal following among coffee aficionados, who appreciate the unique taste it imparts. In recent years, percolator coffee has experienced a resurgence in popularity, with many specialty coffee roasters and cafes now offering percolator coffee options alongside their more conventional drip or espresso offerings.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the world of percolator coffee, from the different types of percolators available to the best percolator coffee brands on the market. We will also share tips for brewing the perfect cup, maintaining your percolator, and pairing your coffee with the right accessories. Whether you’re a seasoned percolator user or a curious newcomer, this guide will help you elevate your coffee experience to new heights.

Types of coffee percolators

Mixpresso Electric Percolator Coffee Pot

There are two main types of coffee percolators: stovetop and electric. Stovetop percolators are the more traditional of the two, consisting of a pot with a chamber at the bottom for water, a central tube to guide the water, and a top chamber for the coffee grounds. As the water heats, it travels up the tube, saturates the coffee grounds, and then drips back down into the bottom chamber, repeating this process until the desired strength is achieved. Stovetop percolators are typically made of stainless steel or aluminum and can be used on gas or electric stovetops.

Electric percolators, on the other hand, come with a built-in heating element, eliminating the need for a stovetop. They operate on the same basic principle as stovetop percolators, with water circulating through the coffee grounds and back into the bottom chamber. Electric percolators offer added convenience with features like automatic shut-off, keep-warm functions, and adjustable brewing strength.

Both stovetop and electric percolators have their unique advantages, and the choice ultimately comes down to personal preference and lifestyle. Those who value tradition and the hands-on experience of brewing may prefer a stovetop percolator, while those seeking convenience and ease of use may opt for an electric model.

Factors to consider when choosing a percolator coffee brand

When it comes to selecting the best percolator coffee brands, there are several factors to consider, including the type of coffee beans, roast level, grind size, and freshness. Percolator coffee is known for its bold, robust flavor, which is best achieved with high-quality, freshly roasted beans. It’s important to choose a reputable brand that sources their beans ethically and roasts them to perfection.

The roast level of the coffee beans also plays a significant role in the final flavor of your percolator coffee. Darker roasts tend to bring out the bold, intense flavors that percolator enthusiasts crave, while lighter roasts may result in a more delicate, nuanced cup. Experimenting with different roast levels can help you find the perfect balance for your taste buds.

Grind size is another factor to consider when selecting a percolator coffee brand. Percolator coffee requires a coarser grind than drip or espresso, as the longer brewing process can lead to over-extraction if the grounds are too fine. Many coffee brands offer pre-ground options specifically for percolators, ensuring the optimal grind size for a rich, flavorful brew.

Finally, freshness is key when it comes to selecting the best percolator coffee brands. Coffee beans begin to lose their flavor and aroma as soon as they’re roasted, so it’s important to choose a brand that prioritizes freshness, either by packaging their beans in airtight containers or offering freshly roasted beans on a regular basis.

Top 5 best percolator coffee brands

Peet’s Coffee

Brand 1: Peet’s Coffee

Peet’s Coffee is a well-respected name in the coffee world, known for their commitment to quality and ethical sourcing. Their Major Dickason’s Blend is a popular choice among percolator users, offering a rich, complex flavor profile with notes of chocolate and spice. This dark roast is available in both whole bean and pre-ground options, with a special percolator grind to ensure the perfect extraction.

Brand 2: Death Wish Coffee Co.

For those seeking a truly bold, intense percolator coffee experience, Death Wish Coffee Co. offers their signature Death Wish Coffee. This dark roast is made from a blend of Arabica and Robusta beans, resulting in a strong, powerful brew with a smooth finish. Death Wish Coffee is available in whole bean, pre-ground, and even single-serve percolator-compatible options, making it a versatile choice for percolator enthusiasts.

Brand 3: Stone Street Coffee

Death Wish Coffee Co.

Stone Street Coffee is a small-batch roaster based in Brooklyn, New York, dedicated to crafting high-quality, artisanal coffee blends. Their Colombian Supremo blend is an excellent choice for percolator coffee, boasting a medium-dark roast with a rich, full-bodied flavor and a hint of nuttiness. Stone Street offers this blend in both whole bean and pre-ground options, including a coarse grind specifically tailored for percolator brewing.

Brand 4: Kicking Horse Coffee

Kicking Horse Coffee, a Canadian roaster known for their organic, fair-trade beans, offers a variety of blends and roast levels suitable for percolator brewing. Their Kick Ass blend is a favorite among percolator users, featuring a dark roast with notes of chocolate malt, molasses, and licorice. Kicking Horse Coffee is available in whole bean and pre-ground options, with a percolator grind available upon request.

Brand 5: Lavazza

Lavazza, an iconic Italian coffee brand, offers a wide range of blends and roast levels that work well with percolator brewing. Their Crema e Gusto blend is a popular choice, with a dark roast and a rich, velvety crema that’s perfect for percolator coffee. Lavazza’s pre-ground options are typically suitable for percolator brewing, making it easy to enjoy the perfect cup every time.

Tips for brewing the perfect percolator coffee

Brewing the perfect cup of percolator coffee involves more than just selecting the right beans and grind size. Here are some tips to help you achieve a rich, flavorful brew:

  1. Use fresh, cold water for brewing. The quality of your water can greatly impact the taste of your coffee, so be sure to use filtered or bottled water if your tap water has a strong taste or odor.
  2. Preheat the water before adding it to the percolator to reduce the brewing time and prevent over-extraction.
  3. Measure your coffee grounds accurately, using a scale or measuring spoon for consistency. A general guideline is to use 1 tablespoon of coffee grounds for every 6 ounces of water, but you can adjust this ratio based on your personal taste preferences.
  4. Avoid overfilling the coffee chamber, as this can prevent proper water circulation and lead to weak, under-extracted coffee.
  5. Keep a close eye on the brewing process, as leaving the percolator on the heat for too long can result in over-extraction and a bitter taste. Most percolators take between 5-10 minutes to brew, depending on the size and heat source.
  6. Experiment with different coffee beans, roast levels, and brew times to find the perfect combination for your taste buds.

How to maintain and clean your coffee percolator

To ensure consistently delicious percolator coffee, it’s important to keep your percolator clean and well-maintained. Here are some tips for maintaining and cleaning your coffee percolator:

  1. Rinse the percolator thoroughly with warm water after each use, making sure to remove any coffee grounds or residue.
  2. Periodically deep-clean your percolator by filling the bottom chamber with a solution of water and white vinegar (1:1 ratio), and allowing it to percolate. This will help remove any mineral deposits or buildup that can affect the taste of your coffee.
  3. Use a soft brush or sponge toclean the interior of the percolator, being careful not to scratch or damage the metal.
  4. If your percolator has a removable filter basket, be sure to clean it thoroughly after each use to prevent clogs and ensure proper water circulation.
  5. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners on your percolator, as these can damage the metal and affect the taste of your coffee.
  6. Store your percolator in a dry, cool place when not in use, and avoid exposing it to extreme temperatures or direct sunlight.

By following these simple maintenance and cleaning tips, you can keep your percolator in top condition and ensure a delicious cup of coffee every time.

Pairing your percolator coffee with the right accessories

In addition to selecting the best percolator coffee brands, choosing the right accessories can also enhance your coffee experience. Here are some accessories to consider when brewing percolator coffee:

  1. Coffee grinder: Grinding your own beans just before brewing can greatly improve the flavor and aroma of your percolator coffee. Look for a high-quality burr grinder that allows you to adjust the grind size to your preference.
  2. Coffee scoop: A coffee scoop can help you measure your coffee grounds accurately and consistently, ensuring the perfect ratio every time.
  3. Coffee mug: Choosing the right mug can enhance the taste and presentation of your percolator coffee. Look for a mug with a wide rim and thick walls to retain heat and aroma.
  4. Milk frother: If you prefer a latte or cappuccino-style coffee, a milk frother can help you achieve the perfect frothy texture for your milk-based beverages.
  5. Coffee canister: Storing your coffee beans in an airtight container can help preserve their freshness and aroma, ensuring a delicious cup of percolator coffee every time.

By investing in high-quality accessories, you can take your percolator coffee experience to the next level.

The environmental impact of percolator coffee

Hillbond Coffee Percolator

As coffee lovers, it’s important to consider the environmental impact of our brewing methods. Percolator coffee can be a more sustainable option than other brewing methods, as it requires no paper filters or single-use pods. However, it’s still important to choose coffee brands that prioritize sustainable and ethical sourcing practices, and to dispose of coffee grounds and other waste responsibly.

To further reduce your environmental impact, consider investing in a reusable coffee filter for your percolator, or composting your used coffee grounds to create nutrient-rich soil for your garden.

Experimenting with percolator coffee recipes

Percolator coffee is a versatile brewing method that can be used to create a wide range of delicious coffee beverages. Here are some percolator coffee recipes to try:

  1. Percolator latte: Brew a strong cup of percolator coffee, then froth milk using a milk frother or whisk. Pour the frothed milk over the coffee and sprinkle with cinnamon or cocoa powder for a delicious latte-style beverage.
  2. Percolator iced coffee: Brew a pot of percolator coffee and allow it to cool, then pour over ice and add your desired amount of milk or sweetener.
  3. Percolator mocha: Brew a strong cup of percolator coffee, then add cocoa powder and sugar to taste. Top with whipped cream and chocolate shavings for a decadent mocha-style beverage.
  4. Percolator espresso: Brew a smaller, more concentrated cup of percolator coffee, then use it as a base for espresso-style beverages like cappuccinos and lattes.

By experimenting with different recipes and flavor combinations, you can discover new and exciting ways to enjoy your percolator coffee.


Percolator coffee is a beloved brewing method that has stood the test of time, offering a rich, robust flavor that other methods simply can’t replicate. By selecting the best percolator coffee brands, following brewing tips, and investing in quality accessories, you can elevate your coffee experience to new heights. Whether you prefer a traditional stovetop percolator or a modern electric model, percolator coffee is sure to delight your taste buds and awaken your senses.

So why not try a new percolator coffee brand today and see what all the fuss is about? Your taste buds will thank you.